The Critical Role of Watson Children's Shelter

4 Minute Read
November 13, 2023

Missoula is our home, and we're committed to its well-being. That's why we support local organizations like Watson Children's Shelter, which provide crucial services to our community. During the month of August, we focus our efforts on supporting Watson's by donating 10% of our residential revenue to the organization. We also have "Watson's Wednesday" where 100% of our revenue for that day goes to Watson's. Last year, we raised over $5,000 in just one day, and we're aiming to break that record this year.

Watson Children's Shelter stands as a vital pillar in our community, providing essential support to children and families during their most vulnerable times. The shelter is committed to its mission of offering safety, nurturing, and stability through quality services and trauma-informed care.

Watson Children's Shelter operates two crucial programs:

1. Healthy Foundation: Healthy Foundation is a voluntary service dedicated to supporting parents from pregnancy until their child's fifth birthday. This program cherishes the journey of parenthood, providing professional guidance and support for all the big and small challenges that come with raising a child. From prenatal care to parenting resources, the Healthy Foundations team is there every step of the way, ensuring parents have everything they need for a positive parenting experience.

2. Shelter Care: The Shelter Care program offers a sanctuary for children aged infant to 14 who have experienced trauma due to physical abuse, sexual abuse, abandonment, or family crises. These children are often brought to the shelter by social workers at any hour of the day or night. Upon arrival, the goal is to provide a sense of safety, normalcy, and nurturing care. The program ensures that children attend school regularly, have chores, go on field trips, and celebrate birthdays, all while under the supervision of a highly trained staff. Watson Children's Shelter is not just a physical space; it's a nurturing environment filled with books, toys, games, and comfortable furnishings to make every child feel at home. The support doesn’t stop there; each child is connected to essential medical, dental, optical, therapeutic, and educational resources in the community.

Every child who steps through the doors of Watson Children's Shelter is welcomed into a safe, homely environment. They receive a handmade blanket, a stuffed animal, and a space to call their own. The two shelters are designed to provide a haven where children can enjoy childhood, with access to essential items such as clothing, shoes, toiletries, and more. The beautiful shelters feature backyards with playgrounds, bicycles, and space to run and play.

The positive impact of Watson Children's Shelter is not just in the tangible items they provide but also in the experiences and memories they help create. Children have the opportunity to partake in swimming lessons, attend football and basketball games, visit Splash Montana and Currents, ride the Carousel for Missoula, and much more. These experiences contribute to a sense of normalcy and joy, helping to heal the wounds of the past.

The success and reach of Watson Children's Shelter are not possible without the support of the community. Financial donations and service-based efforts fuel the shelter's ability to provide essential services and create a lasting impact on the lives of children in crisis. Consider supporting Watson Children's Shelter and be part of the positive change in the lives of children who need it the most. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference.