The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Window Cleaner: Avoid Hidden Costs and Get the Best Value

2 Minute Read
November 13, 2023

When it comes to hiring a window cleaning service, the last thing you want is to be hit with unexpected costs and fees. But how do you ensure you're getting the best value for your money? Here are some key tips to help you make an informed decision and guarantee you'll never overpay for window cleaning.

Get a Detailed Estimate: The first step is to ask for a detailed written or digital estimate. This should clearly outline the scope of work to be performed and the cost involved. Many companies have different cleaning methods and may charge extra for add-on services, so it's important to understand exactly what you're paying for.

For example, some companies may offer an exterior window cleaning service for $200 but fail to mention additional fees for screen cleaning. These small add-ons can quickly add up, so it's crucial to have a clear and comprehensive estimate.

Understand the Full Range of Services Offered: When we clean your windows at Spectrum, we go above and beyond to provide exceptional service at no additional cost. Our standard of care for window cleaning includes:

  • Removing, cleaning, and reinstalling all screens.
  • If we're cleaning the interior windows, we open each window and thoroughly clean the tracks and wipe down the frames.

By understanding the full range of services included in your window cleaning package, you can ensure you're getting the best value for your money. In summary, to make sure you never overpay for window cleaning, remember to:

  1. Get a clear and detailed estimate that outlines exactly what services you'll receive.
  2. Understand the full range of services offered by the window cleaning company.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to enjoying clean windows without any hidden costs or surprises!